Web Developer | Project Manager | Photographer

Hello, My name is Harsh Chopra 👋🏾

I am a product owner with a computer science degree and a passion for all things tech. This is my portfolio which displays My works and links to other services i provide.
Do not hesitate if you would like to get in touch!

About Me

Unmatched Services

I am a CS Graduate who has full time experience in web development and web management. Furthermore I have hands on experience with Business, Web & App strategy growth. Take a look at my history and services.

Harsh Chopra
1st Class Computer Science BSc
London, England

My Services

UX / UI Design

Using applications such as Figma, Adobe XD, Adobe Illustrate and Canva; I am profficient in taking ideas and devloping them into full wireframed UX models for clients to visualise and interact with their designs.

Web Developer

Using languages and frameworks such as HTML, CSS, Javascript, ReactJS, TailwindCSS. I can create stunning websites to suit your purpose. Whether the need is to provide content or eCommerce, no goal is impossible to create.

Business Growth Development

As a full time Product Owner for the largest Gaming/Gambling events businesses, I am capable of full project cycles. Including project discovery, requirements gathering, overseeing of delivery, sanity checking and final deliverables.


Having experience with analytical data across multiple different products reaching 3M+ Users. I use tools such as Semrush, Google Analytics & Adobe Analytics to make sure projects are at optimal performance.


I have a deep passion for Photography, you can visit my portfolio using the link below. I am able to take pictures of stunning landscapes as well as memorable portraits for special occasions. Visit my site here


The passion translates over to catching amazing videos with stunning quality. Profficient in drone usage to get amazing B-Role for video projects as well as an understanding of the clients idea.

Latest Projects

Take a look at some of my recent projects. There are links to the Github Repository if applicable as well as links for you to take a look for yourself!

Portfolio Website
react js

Portfolio Website

The current website you are on. Developed with the purpose of networking myself out to future clients. Stack used: ReactJS, Next.JS, TailwindCSS, ShadCn

Photography Website
react js

Photography Website

A Photography Website to display all my photos. Landscapes from around the world as well as portraits. Stack used: ReactJS, Tailwind CSS, Framer Motion

FPS 3D Zombie survival
Unity 3D

FPS 3D Zombie survival

A round based Zombie survival game. Developed for my final year dissertation. The game is accompanied by a 15,000 word document highlighting the key frameworks of games design using C#. Stack used: Unity

eCommerce Vape Website
Business Dev

eCommerce Vape Website

An ECommerce Vape website built for client purpose using wordpress CMS and custom JS code.

Games Development Dissertation
Business Dev

Games Development Dissertation

A 15,000 Word dissertation that covers the key concepts of games development with C# and Unity3D. The dissertation also covers the rise of games development and the dangers alongside it.


Dave Cohen

Dave Cohen

Computer Science Lecturer

Harsh showed impressive skill with his FPS Unity project. Using a variety of different game states, vector logic and animations to make his game have depth. His report goes in large depth to cover all aspects of modern games design and its progress in the world.

Silvio Monteiro

Silvio Monteiro

Senior Software Engineer

Harsh was responsible for developing and maintaining email direct marketing campaigns for companies such as Microsoft, McAfee, VMware and Cisco.He displayed excellent communication, organisation, reliablity and computer literacy. He is flexible and willing to work on any project that is assigned to him. I think he would be a tremendous asset for your company and has my highest recommendation.

Paramjeet Kapoor

Paramjeet Kapoor

Accounts Manager

Harsh was up to any task given to him in his 4 years at Henry Construction. He showed great communication skills by befrending the staff and being able to help them at any given turn. He would be a great addition to any team or project.

Want to turn your business ideas into reality?
I am here to help!