My Projects

Portfolio Website
react js

Portfolio Website

The current website you are on. Developed with the purpose of networking myself out to future clients. Stack used: ReactJS, Next.JS, TailwindCSS, ShadCn

Photography Website
react js

Photography Website

A Photography Website to display all my photos. Landscapes from around the world as well as portraits. Stack used: ReactJS, Tailwind CSS, Framer Motion

FPS 3D Zombie survival
Unity 3D

FPS 3D Zombie survival

A round based Zombie survival game. Developed for my final year dissertation. The game is accompanied by a 15,000 word document highlighting the key frameworks of games design using C#. Stack used: Unity

Indian Resteraunt Website
Business Dev

Indian Resteraunt Website

An Indian resteraunt developed using the CMS. Project roadmap and development was handled by me as well as the photography. The google business page was also created and ran by me.

Games Development Dissertation
Business Dev

Games Development Dissertation

A 15,000 Word dissertation that covers the key concepts of games development with C# and Unity3D. The dissertation also covers the rise of games development and the dangers alongside it.

eCommerce Vape Website
Business Dev

eCommerce Vape Website

An ECommerce Vape website built for client purpose using wordpress CMS and custom JS code.